Did You Know That Meter Pits Make Your Crew’s Job Even Easier?
You know what it’s like. Everyone has to go read meters or replace them at some point or another and this process can be challenging – but there’s a solution: meter pits. Meter pits allow reading, changing out or repairing a meter without entering a customer dwelling. Also, if you’re having trouble reading a transponder because the dwelling is set back to far from the road, a Red Hed Manufacturing meter pit is your solution.
Though they are somewhat similar to service boxes, meter pits have several vital differences. They don’t just go over a meter – leaving it vulnerable to shifting soils, problems during backfilling, a trench or similar concerns. They don’t leave the meter so deep that it’s virtually impossible to read the numbers. Instead, a meter pit raises the level of the meter towards the top of the cavity, making it easy to access and read reliably.

When a service box shifts out of place during backfilling, you have to fix it or risk not being able to read the display. In a meter pit, the gravel that is filling in the trench ends up underneath the meter keeping it closer to the surface and preventing costly re-set tasks associated with service boxes. Meter pits also tend to be better sealed. Even when there is an issue with the cover, you don’t have to dig nearly as far to reach the meter and get a good reading – unlike service boxes where you often have to dig below the level of the box to reach the meter.
Proper installation of pits includes adding crushed gravel, crushed stone or compacted sand, which allows for any water buildup to drain away instead of becoming a bigger problem at the bottom of the pit, making it even more difficult to read the meter. You can even install it in traffic locations, provided that you add a concrete collar to transfer the load and a quality lid to transfer the weight of traffic to the collar.
By incorporating meter pits into your system, you can drastically speed up your crew’s progress in meter reading. This translates directly into lower labor costs and more money for the repairs where it’s needed most. At Red Hed Manufacturing, we understand you need the right materials to get the job done and save your municipality money over the long run. That’s why we’re on the cutting edge of water safety requirements while providing the services you need to get the job done quickly and effectively. Contact us today for more details on our high-quality waterworks products.